The CAT’S Pajamas!…peace and cats


Ok, now that I’ve got your attention we can talk a lot about cats, a little about peace, and how I think they’re related. First of all, as a female college student I can’t help but squeal, scrunch up my face in a smile, and awwww whenever I see a picture, or better yet a real cat. I’m not sure what it is about them; their cuteness, fluffy softness, or the way they freak out when you surprise them or hold some yarn in front of their face. For me, I think it’s that I grew up around cats, playing with them and having cat friends. Now when I see cats, it brings back good memories and makes me feel warm inside…and how can you not smile when you see a cute kitty cat?!

Now that I’m in college and stressed all the time, cats are even more important. Just seeing a cat makes me smile and soothes me a little. There’s a place in Harrisonburg called Cat’s Cradle where anyone can just go and pet cats. This is basically the best place possible for an animal deprived college student. No matter how stressed I am, I can go there and the cats calm me down and bring me some inner peace.

Why are cats so popular on the internet? We can’t hold them or pet them (unless you’re weird and pet your computer screen), but they’re everywhere on the internet. When I searched them on Youtube, I came up with about 9,430,000 results and about 488,000,000 results on Google. There is a Youtube video called The Internet Is Made of Cats, and I find this video to be extremely true (as well as funny and obnoxious).

A friend of mine posted this site Written Kitten that helps you write a paper. How does this website work? you may ask. Well, for every 100 words you type you get a picture of a cat! Motivation for writing a paper? Yes. VERY good motivation.

If you want some history or other opinions about cats and the internet or cats in general, Wired and Mashable both have pretty great articles about it.

In the meantime, here are some more pictures of cats for your viewing enjoyment. Hopefully they will bring you as much peace of mind as they do me.


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